Why You Need To Follow Me on Instagram

It’s official! I am now on Instagram! My handle is @LastWritesSpeechcraft Would you like to know what I’m going to be doing on Instagram? Watch the video below to find out. HINT: There is something I am offering on Instagram that you cannot get on any other platform. Find out what that is in the video.

Why You Need To “Be Careful What You Wish For…”

People tell you all the time. “Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it!” How is getting what you wish for a bad thing? Well, there are actually two potential pitfalls of getting what you wish for. Watch the video to find out what they are.

How Moo Saved The World!

Many people prepare a presentation thinking “This topic is too scientific/technical. You can’t make it interesting.” Not true… In this video, I explain one of the greatest advances in medical history. I make it fun, and I make it memorable. How? I make the content relatable to the audience, I keep it simple (so simple that I’ve given this talk …

Raise The Richness Of Your Rhetoric (Introducing Word Wednesdays)

I’ve been cooking something up for a little while, now. You are about to be served. Watch the video to find out what I’m talking about. Then ensure you are following me on social media because that’s where you can take advantage of this spectacular offer. Here are links to my Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn pages.

What’s Reflecting Is Affecting How You’re Connecting

According to a LinkedIn poll I did, almost everybody is connecting to their Zoom meetings using a computer and web cam. More often, it is the built-in camera. If you wear glasses when you give a speech, does your audience see your eyes, or do they see the reflection of your screen? In this video you will learn why those …

Want To Be Funny? Use The Rule Of Three

If you ask for advice on how to be funnier–how to work some humor into your speeches–one piece of advice you will likely get is “use the rule of 3”. Do you know what that means? Does the person ADVISING you even know what that means? In this video, you will get an explanation, and a few examples, of the …


There is something you may be doing that has you trapped. It is holding you back. It is keeping you from what you are capable of achieving. Watch the video, below, to find out what might be holding you captive. Then read below the video to see how this speech came to be. The story behind this video… Some time …

Speechcraft Fundamentals FULL PLAYLIST Now Available!

It has been a project more than SEVEN MONTHS in the making, but the prologue is now done. That means my Speechcraft Fundamentals series is now done! You can pull up a chair, grab a drink, and get the building blocks of speechcraft delivered directly to you! Please LIKE this playlist and SHARE it with your friends.

Speechcraft Fundamentals Epilogue

After 10 units of my Speechcraft Fundamentals Series, we finally come to the end. Well… in a sense it’s the end. It’s the epilogue, so it’s the last one in the series. However, the PROLOGUE is still coming. And while that usually comes first in the series, it will be released last. Even though it should technically be watched first, …