John Andrews presents 13 Pointers To Pump Up Your Presentations
Pointer # 3 of 13
The 30 in 10-20-30
A visual aid must be 2 things. It must be visual, and it must aid. That means your audience must be able to see it, and they must find it helpful. That sounds self-evident, but you’d be surprised how many people neglect such fundamentals.
Click the player below to learn how to ensure your slides are helpful and visible to your audience. As a bonus, using this method helps you regulate how much content you put on your slides.

Don’t just SAY it; CONVEY it!
John Andrews is a Certified World Class Speaking Coach, a keynote speaker and a corporate trainer. In 2017, he advanced to the final round of the World Championship of Public Speaking, which placed him in the top 10 of the world. Also higher than any other Canadian.